
Archive for September, 2008

Having a tea party!

met the glutts yesterday for dinner. the BAD directions got wongying and i at the ‘wrong’ busstop and looking at the wrong direction.
anyhow, we ended up at"Tea Party" which serves western food and has boardgames like taboo and monopoly (spongebob version.) and pictionary.
and so we ate and talked and talked and talked. (about prelims, NYGG, HC, NJ…)
and we ended up playing the games…
After the pictionary, meijiao decided that the papers we had used (courtesy of regina) could well become art.
and so… presenting to you: "Pictionary", 2008
i had a great time anyway! 🙂
and just as i was doing a maths practice paper today… i chanced upon this vector question:
2008_09270846 see my cca? haha.

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Despite all the sweating, the walking around in circles, the bad sense of directions… visiting the biennale with Jane today at South Beach Development and City Hall proved to be a very relaxing and contemplative experience.


We started at city hall mrt, armed with our bad sense of directions, we still managed to reach the old army camp housing these contemporary works of art. As we trudged up the wooden flight of steps which looked as worn yet sturdy, we were met with the “Drill Hall”. A very engaging piece of work as the stark orange lines really seemed to scream out at you in high pitch. But as jane told me her spot was where the picture became coherent, I realized it was not so for me. And so the work depended on your eye level causing everyone’s ‘perfect vision’ to be at different points. How interesting.




And then we saw one of my personal favourites, the “Hair Salon” by Leandro Erlich. We entered the first room and saw another fellow visitor taking a photo of his hand through….wait a minute. Isn’t that a mirror? No. it isn’t. it is made to look like a mirror but it is really a window, to the next room which has the replica objects positioned in the same place as the room we stood in. so much so it looked like a reflection in the mirror! I was intrigued.




Then of course we saw the rest of the works amongst the old buildings. The line which went on throughout the room between cracks and such. The lighted neon swing which appeared somewhat ghostly like an apparition. The strong smell of soap (even jane’s just recovering nose could smell it.). The private moon. The disasters made from food (a whole new way to ‘play with your food’). The teacups. The sugar pagoda. The gross chewing gum (it wouldn’t be gross if we did not know what it was.)


We realized how the site was such a good location for an art exhibition being a site relatively untouched yet situated in the city. It was as though it is forgotten and abandoned yet somewhat preserved in its old condition. I look forward to them restoring this site. Then again, I like to see it kept in its original state.


And then we moved on to city hall. Here is where we realise the inconvenience of the F1 race. Oh well, the price to pay for a good show. With a better sense of direction we headed the right way only to be hindered by the track such that we had to walk round the building to find the entrance. Sat at the first bench we saw to rest our tired legs. The result of no PE for so long! Haha.


At city hall, marveled at the maggots, and… the huge Singapore image from google earth! We were given post-its to place messages anywhere on the map. Spent forever to finally find NJC and NYGH. ((: the quadrangle at nygh is unmistakable. What an interactive piece of work! Then there was the countless video works. I liked the one by Tromarama which was a stop-motion animation of WOODCUTS. Oh my. That was as amazing as it was hard work. The book floating in the middle of the tank was strange too. And the knitted works in “Tropicana” just got me all excited.




We ended at the field of small aluminum plants. And if you thought that was the draw of the room… you would be wrong. As I walked past a seemingly banal painting of a car… I realized it moved with me! It is an illusion and a really fascinating one “The car moves!” yes. I exclaimed. Difficult to explain its effects, you got to be there yourself. Jane also brought out a really interesting point: the picture works against how we perceive the object. As you are on the right, you see more of the left of the object and vice versa. Wow.

Yes, artists nowadays are challenging the way the audiences perceive things.


Thanks Jane for accompanying me. I had a great time and like you say, a good break.


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the long-put-aside break

there is so much to look forward to this weekend.

today i will be going to the biennale with jane!

tomorrow, i will be meeting glutts again!

on saturday, there might be a potluck to celebrate end of coursework with the aep people!

i can’t wait.

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yesterday was one incredible day. firstly, it was coursework submission day so we had to document all our works by then.
was shuttering between lessons and art (helped my friends with their setting up of works.)
and. wow. despite all our rushing around getting things fixed, i felt that it was times such as these where i really felt the strong bonds the fifteen of us shared.
i mean despite all our differences, our very diverse styles of works, there was still something that all of us shared together. and that is our passion for art.
we all got a little crazy, a little nuts, but "we all in this together" as sze sang. haha.
in the putting up of a gaint styroform head, in the tearing apart of a space, in the lighting up of a work…..
it kind of reminded me of the work at the biennale which i mentioned in my previous post "Between you and i". where it is in the darkest places where we see the brightest wonder in a beam of light. like when we are through the most difficult and urgent processes (such as rushing out coursework and last year when we were rushing out UOB painting) where we realise the wonderful and combined spirit of our batch.
val, huijun, sze and i also realised in the process that this may be our very last day rushing out an art-related project together. and as val and i sat on the steps of the art block, we also realised it is soon the ending of our 6-year art elective programme.

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finally visited the sinapore biennale with my parents on thursday at the central promontory site. we took a long time to figure out where the exhibition was actually held at as the vague description of "behind NTUC building" could point in any of the four directions. that just further proved my point that art should be made more accessible to the public if Singapore really wants to promote the art scene here.
overseas like in London, entry to museums are FREE. students are brought to museums for fieldtrips so often that you are bound meet with a batch of them no matter when you decide to visit!
anyway, we got to see the impressive architecture installation by BAN, Shigeru which was built of huge APL containers. it was quite a sight. and the snowy landscape by BEECK, Hans Op de was also quite interesting except that fact that it was ironic that he wanted to represent winter when there was only a single fan in the room and it was so warm! then again maybe that was the point, the confusion of the viewer as he or she sees a wintery landscape yet knowing that it must be in Singapore due to the heat. then there was the video installation "Floating" which was quite an experience, more so since it reminded me of the video work which impressed me and my friends so much in the Goldsmith college show in London last year.
and one of my personal favourites, "Between You and I " by Anthony McCall which was a light installation. amazing what a darken room, a few beams of light can reveal. The illusion of mass in a beam of light was a different way in viewing light. It is as if they become tangible walls.
a schedule for my week ahead
Mon(today): school. fretting over coursework stuff.
Tue: School (getting back bio paper 2 and GP). free periods to be spent setting up coursework.
Wed: Non-stop lessons till 3.40pm. back at home it is time to rest my brain.
Thu: the day i look forward to!! going to see somemore biennale stuff with JANEY! :))
Fri: Aep lessons.
yes jane. i am looking forward to Thursday too! 

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i feel free now. really relaxed.and happy! 🙂
even though there is prelim papers to be getting back and coursework to officially finish (so that i can stop telling everyone that i am ALMOST done.)
but just give me a day or two to rest. to recharge,
and get ready for the next long stretch.
have been talking to shan, huihuan and shima about how school life is going to end, at least that of the structured MOE education stuff.
we can’t believe it is so fast and that we are so close to setting what we are going to do for the rest of our lives. and yet we still are quite clueless about our goals in life. it is a strange feeling. and of course mrs yeo mentioned today during lecture that we are going to have 6 months free after the a’levels. that’s half a year. i haven’t had that much time off since primary school or something. till then, i would be writing down all the things i want to do then. (yew chen says she wants to continue japanese lessons after her IB. i think i would continue my photography lessons.)
and when listening to jamie cullum during my studying, i was listening to the lyrics of this song "Photograph":
"It’s just another story caught up in another photograph I found.
and it seems like another person lived that life a great many years ago from now,
When I look back on my ordinary, ordinary life,
I see so much magic, though I missed it at the time.
when I look back on my ordinary ordinary, ordinary life,
I see so much magic, though I missed it at the time."
i think that would probably be how i feel about JC life. how it passes so fast that everything is a blur then but when i look back at it, i would probably smile and realise how incredible the journey had been.

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i have been busy. and is still busy with my prep boards for coursework.

DSCF6671 paper cuts…


and just as i am doing clay pills…
there are those like Moxie who does felted ones. anyone feels sick?

there never seem to be such a thing as ‘complete’ in art. now i know why there are artists whose works are all about continuity and some who choose to do the same thing over and over and over and over…like Brancusi and his ‘muse’ sculptures! i m sure if there wasn’t a deadline for coursework i would continue to work on this forever!

anyway, i want to go to see the Singapore biennale. i don’t want to miss it this time like i did the last time!!

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i just read that newspaper article yesterday about some Singaporean crafters selling their wares. hmm… it is supposely gaining popularity here but i don’t see it much besides MAAD and people from MAAD.
I am still thinking of doing more plush after the a’levels.
we are going to make the labels soon.
and. i was just browsing the plush you site and:
 i found this pool set! haha. wong ying would love these.
il_430xN_19783157 and i love this bunny!
and mentioning a’levels, i will have to get through my prelims first. down to 5 more papers. three on wednesday. woah…. and after prelims, weekend is going to be spent on coursework. Nothing but coursework.

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coursework done? NOT!

i am sorely neglecting my studies for the rest of the prelims due to coursework now.
when i went back to school yesterday, everyone was shocked.
apparently some word has got around that i am finished with coursework. i WISH!
i have just started working on my prep-boards and omg. there is a lot to do.
on a sidenote, met mr lim yesterday due to that aep workshop thing. he gave me chocolates. seeing how there is already a lot of that in my refrigerator… oh my. still, i suppose chocolates release endorphines and will make me happy. anyways, ms lu likes my teacher’s day gift. yays! :)))
and i can hardly work in school anymore. must be the noise from the workshop AND construction (apparently my school is breaking down walls in replacement for windows.) oh and the blackout.

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brownie just made me realise yesterday that pets can be a talking point in a conversation (even one without much talking!).
A Japanese family visited us yesterday and it came as quite a shock as we really did not expect to have them as guests. so thank goodness for brownie which served to entertain the two very cute girls. 🙂 and also to entertain the rest of us especially since it was difficult to communicate with the language barrier. Well, hand gestures and pets are the international language. now i know. And brownie is one lucky rabbit with more food yesterday and a lot of attention and strokes! you like that don’t you?
2008_06060701 AWW…

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