
Archive for January, 2010

just got back to hall.

was panicking for half of today about the coming week. this is not a good sign. but i think i have since calm down and accepted it. (suddenly i think of the five stages: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance). well, it is going to happen anyway so just got to deal with it day by day, assignment by assignment.

it just seems like everything happens together. busy!

met with steve, lydia and liz for WAH discussion today. i hope we pull it off on tues. Caravaggio! Vermeer! meanwhile, they will constantly be on our minds till the presentation. oh-ho-ho. (i was just thinking of how relieved i would be after that. )

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I am actually feeling very relieved right now. since i put my 4D sound track up for critique today and it did not go so bad. Spent last night and the whole of the weekend fretting over it since well, i am not very musically inclined and can’t hear beats and all that jazz. i hum tunes by ear. hahaha! but yes, since today was the deadline i just went and tried to put everything together last night and it seems okay. some awesome tracks by my classmates. πŸ˜€ and we were gushing over this ‘musician’ Pogo who takes snippets from movies to make into incomprehensible songs, there is catchy melodies but the words are gibberish. Faizah liked ‘Upular’ so much that she changed her ringtone to that. and because the rest of us also liked the mix, faizah’s kept getting phone calls from liyana, lydia and steve just so we could hear the song. hahahah!

anyway, for the curious people… hear(i mean ‘Here’) is ‘Upular’

Pogo – Upular

We went for the movie screening of ‘girl with a pearl earring’ at WAH lecture after that ’cause we are studying Vermeer. hmm. if not for the painting, i doubt this would be a film that will catch my attention. i felt that they were trying so hard to squeeze out a storyline from that painting actually. and there wasn’t any serious climax just a reflection of the lives of the girl, the artist and his family. oh well. WAH presentation no. 1 next week. this is going to be one seriously busy weekend.

at least sound art is over. πŸ˜€

oh and i am very irritated my alarm clock did not bother to ring this morning. (maybe it felt the pain of my abused ears the night before and decided to give them a rest?) fortunately though i seem to have developed an internal alarm clock which rings, albeit slightly later than usual.

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drawing = therapy?

had another session of pastel drawing at fdn drawing this morning. we were supposed to go out to draw a landscape. ended up at the adm steps drawing our fantastic building with Liz and Shuning. then steve, emily, jeremy and later lydia joined us. Emily was right, sitting there and just being kinda engulfed by the building makes you feel like you are not in Singapore but some funky art museum overseas. no wonder they like to feature our adm building so much. I got a lot of pastel dust on my jeans but it was fun and therapeutic, because it is a time to just sit there and draw and not think about anything other then trying to capture that scene. the lighting kept changing with the clouds covering the sun. and the sky is immensely blue today, it is not just my drawing. and there are these big white clouds that move faster then usual. πŸ˜€ i like it, drawing is therapy and everyone has a different style which translates to a mini exhibition of variety of sorts!

then got back to class and we were drawing portraits of jerome and liyana. i really cant seem to get portraits right. especially if the sitter is someone i know. it is strange. i think it is a psychological barrier.

after lesson had lunch at can 2 before heading for WAH tutorial. all that discussion about Valezquez’ Las Meninas. it is mind-blowing, the concepts that could be derived from that painting. and all because the artist is refuses to show us his canvas. maybe it is blank. left for your own interpretation?

89 seconds at AlcΓ zar by Eve Sussman

you wish the characters in the painting would just come to life and tell you what is actually going on!

lastly, i also sealed my route today as i submitted my major declaration form. Vis Comm it is!

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i am so tired. Had 2D in the morning where i was worrying so much about presenting my not-so-good ideas for my final ambient media. but you know what after all that trying to avoid consulting my teacher, i finally did and she said okay. great! so one down. then came back to hostel to finish up my foundation drawing homework for tmr before rushing out for marketing tutorial.

when i entered the seminar room, i realised that each group was supposed to prepare a powerpoint slideshow for the question we were assigned. i prepared the question but did not make any ppt. thankfully, my groupmate did! in the end, the projector refused to project the slides anyway so we ended up just presenting verbally. i think it went okay! πŸ˜€ there are very vocal people in the class and others who seem to know everything (with key terms and everything) that it is a bit scary! very enthusiastic.

4D next!

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chiong ah!

lots of work that was supposed to be completed this weekend but it did not happen. so yes, i will be working very hard throughout this week. wish me luck!

of all the assignment, 4D is by far the hardest to come up with. i have no rhythm in me or something. hahaha!
this short film is amazing:

YouTube – Music For One Apartment And Six Drummers

These drummers make it seem so easy. and Stomp out loud too. i need that kind of inspiration.

anyway, went to club street again for 2D…

new store "The Little Drom Store" and "K-Ki"

(plants growing out from strange and funny places.)

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3D in the morning. had to lug my laptop to school as we were sampling sounds today. we got to watch "Singapore Gaga" which picks out different things in our Singapore life that makes us feel like we are in Singapore. common things like the annual NDP, Sports day in schools, HDB lifestyle, buskers at the MRT stations to tiny things like radio news in dialects, the reason why we had to play the recorder in primary school music lessons, Charlie and Victor (remember them?) and my favourite, the Singapore Airlines announcement saying "… and to all Singaporeans returning, Welcome Home.". AWW. i always that warm and fuzzy feeling whenever i hear that even though it means the end of a holiday. yup. so it was nice seeing Singapore as i knew it on screen.

then we went on to test out some of our sound samples and tried this thing where everyone played a sound clip using our computers and we did this together so we got this really mixed track. Michael was getting all excited about it and so we decided to do it outside of the class. imagine a whole class of us each armed with our laptop and sitting on a stairs forming an orchestra of sorts! the only limitation we were given was the kinda mood we were supposed to create with each 2-min piece we did. and then it was pretty much free form for the rest of it and you could come in and play any sound clip of yours any time to fit the mood. we did ‘happy’, ‘sad’, ‘mysterious’ and ‘angry’. i am not sure if we created noise or music but as john cage said… "Music is an organisation of sound" and we had a lot of fun. πŸ˜€

lunch at Can A where they were having Nanyang Arts Fest so some of my friend went to get their free balloons. this eventually resulted in ‘balloon fights’ and people having ridiculously high voices from the helium-sucking. hilarious.

WAH lecture provided a headache because the tutorial classes are now smaller so we have to change groupings again to fit the new class. and it is difficult to pick groups when you know everyone, the easiest way is to draw lots. Will we resort that?

oh and i got another etsy sale yesterday (this time from Portugal)! made my day, really. πŸ˜€ maybe because i hardly get any etsy sales as with so many people, my listing just gets buried after a day. but this has to mean there is a market for handmade right?

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a dash of colours.

a little colour in our fdn drawing class today. walked into the room and was met with a lot of colourful fruits and vegetables for our first lesson with pastels. fun. fun. fun! it is very different from charcoal drawings as you are no longer judging which part is light or dark, instead you are studying the different colours in a single fruit. everybody liked my old trusty 48-colour-pastel-set which has not been used for quite a while. πŸ™‚ did you know capsicums are fun to draw and colour? the colours are so intense. maybe that’s why brownie likes eating the red and yellow ones but not the boring green ones. it is all in the colour. πŸ˜›

after the first piece, we took a break by ‘collaborating’ on a free-form pastel drawing that initially started out as a basket of carrots by lydia. it underwent radical change to become a woman wearing a ranger hat, curly yellow hair, with a red coat and a huge gold button. and emily added a beautifully rendered apple beside our mess. ahahaha! what fun. i also realised if you are good in sketching it doesn’t necessarily mean you are equally skilled in colours. it requires a whole different set of skills!

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another monday. another start of the week.

2D lesson in the morning where we each put together our photo collages to the style of David Hockney (inspired by the Cubist style).. now to think of how to put it into ambient media. that is really the difficult part! I also had my first marketing tutorial today. nothing much covered as it was just introductions (by our prof.) and a short overview. the groups were pre-allocated by our prof and it is unevenly distributed and will probably change the next lesson since it is the all-so-volatile ‘add/drop’ period now. anyway. the prof is an adjunct lecturer who is very enthusiastic about marketing. hmm.

time to sleep. goodnight.

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a little walk about.

this is a bus-stop?!

this is cute. obviously somebody doesn’t obey signs.

yummy high tea cakes from Hanis at the National Library. lovely.

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end of my 1st week.

hoho. i am back at home just in time for my birthday. isn’t that nice? πŸ˜€

so yesterday met our new 3D teacher in the morning. he has a good sense of humour! and he told us about his background before coming to adm to teach… and i dunno why, but i am always very fascinated with these background stories by my teachers in ADM. they are always so amazing and seems interesting. haha!
and he talked about how 3D is applicable in everything or every major. here is an example he showed of 3D in animation and advertising. very cute. he cries salt.

YouTube – salt man ‘Knorr sidekicks’ advert

we got an early release and then lunch at palette. surprisingly crowded during lunch time.

marketing lecture in the afternoon. it sounds logical enough but there are a lot of terminology to remember. time to work those memory cells of mine! πŸ˜›

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